Paul Staniland on How to Fix Counterinsurgency
"In his new book, Networks of Rebellion: Explaining Insurgent Cohesion and Collapse, Paul Staniland discusses the importance of material resources in explaining how insurgent groups form and fight. In this interview, the University of Chicago professor addresses why COIN failed in Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as recent criticisms of [International Relations] scholarship for not being policy-relevant enough."Interesting! How about
"How to Fix Counter-Neo-Liberalism" too? :(I'm struck by the parallels between:
a) what "we" think is going wrong among all the small groups we try to micro-manage around the world, and
b) what many think is going wrong amongst ourselves, as we repeatedly watch too few Centrally Planning "elites" try to micro-manage the policies of 320 million US citizens - while exporting the model to even larger populations.
What keeps us ignoring our own, endless criticism of Neo-Liberal Human Relations "scholarshit?" We're actively reviewing maladaptive persistence of a failed COIN model, while ignoring the unfathomable institutional momentum of BLOING*? That's like the old parable of obsessing over a speck in the eyes of both our DoD as well as the social mosquitoes we breed worldwide for them to keep busy swatting, all the while ignoring the several logs in our Policy Apparatus Eye, not to mention the veritable swamp of Neo-Liberalism that all the logs float in. Do those sound like accurate analogies, and ones that are far more important for shrinking our own, existing Output Gap, and for ensuring our very survival? Of course BLOING is "working." Control Frauds run it FOR themselves, with the willing help of an army of Innocent Frauds! How do we cut to draining the swamp, instead of remaining distracted, endlessly tied up swatting mosquitoes?
Seriously, how DO we successfully counter the Neo-Liberal social disease that keeps regularly re-infecting social aggregates? To eradicate Neo-Liberalism, like we eradicated smallpox, we need to find it's environmental reservoirs and disinfect them too. Otherwise, we'll just guarantee that some of our grandchildren once again try to shoot all our grandchildren in the aggregate foot. Do we really want Dumb-Ass Neo-Liberals to persist through the ages, unchecked? The Flat Earth Society is no longer anything but a joke, why are Neo-Liberals not seen as the butt end of another joke, still aimed at ourselves?
What would Smedley Butler think? Or George Patton?
What would Smedley Butler think? Or George Patton?
* Brain-Dead, Luddite, Obstructionist, Ignoramus Neo-Liberal Gasbags
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