Monday, December 8, 2014

My podcast for Monday, Dec 8. Interview with Matt Franko.

Matt Franko is my buddy and a contributor to this blog. The guy is a smart, thoughtful, considerate, articulate and a really good dude. Listen to my interview with him.

My podcast for Monday, Dec 8. Interview with Matt Franko, contributor to this blog.


Peter Pan said...

Sorry, but I don't see how a person's proficiency in mathematics prevents their understanding of MMT. Basic algebra and arithmetic should be sufficient for many of the key insights. However, there are two other requirements:
a) conceptual knowledge
b) a willingness to set aside one's ideology

Being a math whiz won't help you if no one explains the operational details of a modern economy, such as banking. Being ignorant of the facts is one thing - laboring under a common misconception is worse. Mathematics plays a supporting role in applying this knowledge, but is useless if the details that are given are wrong.

Ideology is the other obstacle. Losing a shitload of money can help some ideologues overcome their illness, but for others even this is not enough. Do not attribute to ignorance what can be explained through malice i.e. a refusal to learn.

I studied electronics years ago. I have some insight as to how circuits can be described mathematically. I have seen analogies with hydraulics in order to explain the operation of circuits and their components, but never with economics. I suspect that it is your knowledge of economics that allow you to draw those analogies. I also assume you are not laboring under common misconceptions concerning electricity.

The Just Gatekeeper said...

Great stuff guys, great to hear from you.