Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Bill Gross might be saved after all. Jim Rogers LOVES the U.S. dollar

Bill Gross has been a wonderful "fade" for the past few years. He got everything wrong in the bond market and with respect to rates and QE. We've been pointing out every time he makes a major call and I hope you made money on it by fading it.

On Monday you may recall that I posted, here, that I was thinking of shorting the dollar, but then heard that Bill Gross is short and calling it his "trade of the year."

So I looked to fade the guy once again.

Today, however,  I saw this:

Jim Roges is wrong

Jim Rogers take the cake as "The World's Greatest Fade in the Universe of All Time."

So now it looks like Bill Gross will  make out pretty well on that dollar short and we should all be shorting the dollar, too. (No, seriously.)

P.S. Don't worry about that little "for now" rejoinder at the end of Rogers' comment about loving the dollar. All charlatans do that: that's so if it goes the other way he can declare he was right even though he was wrong. It's like when Schiff says interest rates are going to spike, I just can't tell you when.

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