Friday, April 10, 2015

Boeing gets HUGE order

Looks like the Airbus people might have to lower their prices in USD terms in order to be able to compete...


mike norman said...

It's about price, not quantity.

Euro are not "harder to get." #fail

Anonymous said...

So has the ECB (via QE) finally cut loose the idea of controlling the quantity and is now setting the price and letting the quantity float?

Shauble's Shambles just didn't play out? Let's set up a kiosk in Greece and sell "Hogan's Heros" T-shirts.

Matt Franko said...

Move, I dont know if Shauble has much to do with things until ex post accounting results are tallied...

iow, if after the accounting period ends, if the govt people see what they consider favorable outcomes in the NIA numbers, then they dont do much...

If they see that the "deficit" increases, then they are likely to try to reduce leading flows (all they can do...)

I see firms as the dog and the govt/banks as the tail in these matters...
