Thursday, May 7, 2015

Alexei Lossan — Russia to raid pension funds to finance infrastructure projects

Any MMTers in Russia?

Russia Beyond the Headlines
Russia to raid pension funds to finance infrastructure projects
Alexei Lossan, RBTH


Matt Franko said...

Might increase inequality there Tom if they put a robust infrastructure program together. ... the people who run/own the construction firms might make money doing it... sounds risky.... might be better to keep the mud roads and not be able to flush the toilet paper ... if they can prevent inequality from breaking out that way...

mike norman said...

The whole situation between Russia and the West is one gigantic ball of irony.

With these impossibly stupid economic policies being put in place by Putin it is almost inconceivable that he would have any support whatsoever, but he can (and should) thank the U.S. and its aggession for pushing the Russian people into his arms and he're really nothing more than a quasi-dictator.

And speaking of the US and the West, with their blatant, brazen and mindboggling inept and dangerous attacks, which they think are designed to hurt, are only working to strengthen Russia in the long term, with Putin, again, unwittingly doing everything in his power to hinder.

The whole thing is just astonishing.

It's a really scary world, run by total morons.

Bob Salsa said...

Yep, and one certain marker of a Putin fanboy stroking the hatred is propagating the MH17 shootdown trash emanating from the Big Man's horsepucky producing machine.

Tom Hickey said...

Mike, the more ironic thing is that the West knows better but goes ahead with the insanity because it (apparently) favors the top and also because the propaganda has convinced the rubes of the government as household analogy, so the politicians mouth it if through they may know better.

Paul Krugman: Triumph of the Unthinking

On the other hand the former countries of the USSR are just learning modern economics and they actually don't know better.

It's sad but it clear who the devils are here. As Krugman points out,

It’s true that in practice Mr. Obama pushed through a stimulus that, while too small and short-lived, helped diminish the depth and duration of the slump. But when Republicans began talking nonsense, declaring that the government should match the belt-tightening of ordinary families — a recipe for full-on depression — Mr. Obama didn’t challenge their position. Instead,... the very same nonsense became a standard line in his speeches, even though his economists knew better, and so did he...,

Tom Hickey said...

Summing up, Putin has the balls but not the knowledge, while Obama has the knowledge but not the balls.