Friday, May 8, 2015

TASS — Russia says US "rudely interfered" in Ukraine’s affairs by backing coup

The US policy in Ukraine was of a clearly destructive character over the past year, the Russian Foreign Ministry said on Thursday in its report on Russia’s foreign policy in 2014 published on the ministry’s website.
"The White House rudely interfered in the inter-Ukrainian affairs by orchestrating and supporting an anti-constitutional coup d’etat in Kiev relying on the ultranationalist and neo-Nazi forces," the report reads.
The US leadership ignored Moscow’s repeated warning that shattering the fragile inter-political balance in Ukraine would result in the emergence of a serious hotbed of instability in Europe.
Russia says US "rudely interfered" in Ukraine’s affairs by backing coup

1 comment:

Matt Franko said...

The US side just wants an admin in there that agrees they have to pay back the $140B they owe...