Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Yanis Varoufakis — Greek default does not equal Greek exit

Yanis speaks (20 February 2012).
To conclude, Europe’s optimal strategy is to let Greece default, to allow the Greek government to find ways to live within its tax take for the next year or so and, at the same time, work out the overall solution to the euro crisis that was promised last year and never delivered. A Greek default will provide the clarity and the time-space to do this properly. The other two alternatives (more bailouts or a Greek exit) constitute cruel, unnecessary and unusual punishment. For the whole of Europe.
It's what he is still saying.

ht Clonal


Matt Franko said...

Its going to interesting to see how the IMF reacts to this...

A renege of 1.7B has got to pinch somewhere in their organization...

Let's see them squirm for a change...

Unknown said...

Looks like Greece is opting for more punishment ?

Tsipras ready to accept most bailout terms