Saturday, July 4, 2015

Alexrpt — Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis denies FT report of bank haircuts, calling the report “malicious”

Neoliberal mouthpiece FT sewing FUD.

Red Pill Times
Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis denies FT report of bank haircuts, calling the report “malicious”


lastgreek said...

I posted the headline on YV's blog. What I didn't post is that Greek TV is continuing to scare the heck out of everyone over the FT headline.

I don't recall which American news organization it was -- watched it on youtube last night -- but it was telling. They had their reporter ask this Athenian male, 30s, professional, who spoke English well, how he was going to vote in the upcoming referendum. The Athenian replied that even though he doesn't like the Troika, he doesn't trust the Greek government at all (not sure if he meant just this government or all Greek politicians in general), so he will be voting YES. Foreigners over your own government ... doesn't auger well for a country, does it?

Anonymous said...

On the whole, the FT is a quality paper. But I lost a lot of respect for them when they ran that rushed and refuted hatchet job on Piketty. When the attacks start getting to close to the neoliberal capitalist soft spots, they seem to lose some of their cool and integrity.

Tom Hickey said...

Same with the NYT. They are both quality publications and that is the problem. Because of it they have credibility. And then they use that credibility on occasion to push neoliberal and neoconservative propaganda, and it's believable, Unless one is astute, well-informed and paying attention, it's easy for even smart people to be taken in.

lastgreek said...

Surprised they don't come with a legal disclaimer.

Did not the recent IMF report on Greece come with a disclaimer?

Tom Hickey said...

Al Jazeera, Greek finance minister accuses creditors of 'terrorism'

Matt Franko said...

Tom its a little late to be finally amping up the rhetoric like that...