Sunday, July 12, 2015

My attitude now is that Greece deserves to be humiliated and destroyed for electing such incompetent leaders and for loving the euro so.

I can have sympathy for someone up until a point, but if that person is hell bent on detroying themselves and degrading themselves and humiliating themselves then there is only so far I can go.

This is how I feel about the Greek people now. It's not even Tsipras anymore even though he is a useless, mousy, backstabbing traitor and piece of shit. It's the Greek people themselves. What a rich heritage they have trashed.

Hey Greeks, you want the euro so bad? You want to be "European" so bad. Enjoy it, folks. I am done defending you. I am just going to sit back and make money off your plight.


Dan Lynch said...

Greece has Battered Country Syndrome -- they refuse to leave their abuser.

Peter Pan said...

Europhiles cannot be cured of their addiction. They can be skinned and hung out to dry, but never cured.