Monday, July 20, 2015

Our task. Rightsizing Adaptive Cultural Signals From Human Cultural Noise.

(Commentary posted by Roger Erickson)

It finally hit me, as a conceptual summary. This is what Context Nomads do.

Our task.
Rightsizing adaptive cultural signals from human cultural noise.

Does our nation have an aggregate-OODA-Loop?  Of course.


Do we know how to tune it?

How? Through group practice?

What are we waiting for?

Aggregate, perceptual clarity? About our context, and major, not just trivial, challenges?

Where would that be aggregate perceptual clarity be formed, if not in the body of public discourse?

And where would it be expressed, if not in our Desired Outcomes, milestone goals, policies, strategies, tactics and tools?

As the US Marine Corp says, the scale of our organizational demands change, but it's always about ...
staging, linking, sequencing
... to master successive aggregate challenges.

Where are those challenges played out?  On a field we call Policy Space.

Using what toolkit?  The one we call Policy Agility, and it's cascade of component parts, down to individual skills & characteristics.

So what ARE we waiting for? Adequate preparation, in K-12 schools? Doh!

If you're worried about where your national vehicle is going, carping from the back seat is pretty inefficient, and there's a known cascade of ways to help arrive intact. 

Participate in setting the Desired Destination. Get involved in the decision process, at the decision point.

Pick your stage, and participate in leveraging the steering wheel, or the brakes, or the turn signals, etc, etc.  

And, participate in making sure that every component hears about every other component, so that poor maintenance of wheels, oil, brakes, coolant, exhaust, steering, heat, AC, ABS, fuel filter, generator, etc, etc don't derail the progress of the whole.

This is the greatest organizational challenge in human history ... but having made it this far, we're obviously capable of taking one more, even more distributed, step.  Only if we act together, and adequately provision all parts of our increasingly distributed whole.

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