Friday, July 17, 2015

Winterspeak — Comments on Greece

Many comments on Greece have been morality plays of one sort or another but the most solid technical analysis comes from Warren Mosler….
Comments on Greece

See also

Greece is a victim of Framing


Random said...
This a big deal. After that I will stop posting links for a while. ;)

Jose Guilherme said...

Since we are into links, let me add this one, with a very recent speech (in English) by Costa Lapavitsas, where he states - among many other points - that "Euro exit is the only strategy" and that "modern money is managed":

Calgacus said...

My response to that Mosler comment is that he is not being charitable enough to Varoufakis, a necessity for telling criticism. E.g. YV probably knows that the external haircut - an announcement + payment default is all they could do - wouldn't have much to do with immediate internal matters, but it would be a logical step. The IOU suggestion - a step to a new currency - What's not to like?

Replying to Winterspeak, I doubt that MMTer & Alternate Minister for Unemployment Rania Antonopoulos would be entirely at sea in running a "fiat" currency - which mainly involves not engaging in primitive rituals that the superstitious believe keep the sky from falling or the sun from going out. Maybe they should appoint Gene Simmons the Alternate Minister of Finance for KISS.

A said...

the second link ('Greece is a victim of framing') doesn't seem to work.

Tom Hickey said...

Thanks. Link fixed.