Wednesday, September 9, 2015

PolitRussia — Political Outrage over Navalny's Work with US Embassy

Russian liberal party leader  Alexey Navalny exposed as a US asset. Russians react.

US attempts to recruit other opposition parties and is rebuffed.

Imagine the reaction if a US or UK political candidate was discovered meeting with Russian or Chinese "diplomats."

Fort Russ
Political Outrage over Navalny's Work with US Embassy
PolitRussia - translated by J. Arnoldski


Ryan Harris said...

Our politicians don't work with foreign agents in private or in secret. It is all recorded and documented and above board, completely legal. They take donations for their campaigns from questionable people, front companies and organizations and then do their bidding. No secret about any of it, it is all in public record.

Random said...

"Imagine the reaction if a US or UK political candidate was discovered meeting with Russian or Chinese "diplomats.""
What like the current PM dipshit Dave playing tennis with them ;)