Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Shane Harris and Nancy Youssef — Petraeus: Use Al Qaeda Fighters to Beat ISIS

To take down the so-called Islamic State in Syria, the influential former head of the CIA wants to co-opt jihadists from America’s arch foe.
What could possibly go wrong? Didn't the US drive Russia out of Afghanistan by funding Osama Bin Laden and the "freedom fighters" that morphed into Al Qaeda? Heck they are former allies.

The Daily Beast
Petraeus: Use Al Qaeda Fighters to Beat ISIS
Shane Harris and Nancy Youssef


Ryan Harris said...

The enemy of your enemy is your friend?

John said...

Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their countries and hang from the nearest lampposts or kick to a bloody pulp all those in Washington and London who conceived the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, before adding the fresh madness of jihadi wars in Yemen and Syria and then finally polishing it all off in a psychopathic attempt to unseat Assad by creating a Salafi gangster state made up of jihadi Max Cadys and John Does (Se7en).

I dread to think what these maniacal simpletons are planning next to loose on the world. It almost makes you nostalgic for the more principled days of Nixon and Kissinger.