Saturday, November 14, 2015

Don Quijones — Forbidden History: Operation Gladio

The following BBC documentary may not be of the best visual quality, but it is nonetheless vital (and riveting) viewing for anyone seeking to understand how Europe was clandestinely “rebuilt” from the ashes of the Second World War in preparation for the Cold War. It represents a small but dense chunk of Europe’s forbidden history.
The film’s findings are particularly pertinent in light of last night’s horrific events in Paris. It documents the brutal lengths to which the allied powers (the U.S., UK and NATO) would go in order to maintain their grip on the power structures of the newly liberated old continent.
The film exhaustively documents how the secret services of the allied victors, led by the OSS (the forerunner to the Central Intelligence Agency), deployed fascist and other far-right groups that had collaborated with Hitler (what they termed “stay-behinds”) to build secret networks of spies and agents to fight against communist or other left-wing movements in Cold-War Europe.
As Vincenzo Vinciguerra, a former member of the neo-fascist group “Ordine Nuevo”, says in the film’s introduction, “Gladio, as it is defined nowadays, forms part of what I have always referred to as ‘parallel structures’. In other words, an invisible army that is not poised for battle against a hypothetical invader but rather one meant to be used internally against what the military have always called the ‘Fifth Column of the USSR.'”….
Raging Bull-Shit
Forbidden History: Operation Gladio
Don Quijones

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