Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Sic Semper Tyrannis — Experiencing the Nemesis of hubric exceptionalism‑Who are we now?


Sic Semper Tyrannis
Experiencing the Nemesis of hubric exceptionalism‑Who are we now?


Carlos said...

Don't forget these jokers are everywhere in the world, united by an ideology. Everyone not singing from the same US trade agreement/ neoliberal hymn sheet is a target for destabilisation. Burma, Malaysia, Argentina, Venezuela, Thailand etc.

It's safe to assume the game is up now, governments all over the world must increase surveillance and domestic security to prevent another colour revolution. The world is about to get a lot more authoritarian and less democratic.

US/UK are getting ahead of the game on the authoritarian/ surveillance front. China and Russia have their own security under control. They need to improve the living standards of their allies or risk being pushed back further. After WW2 They used a socialist ideology to infiltrate Western regimes, since adopting neoliberalism too enthusiastically they have ceded that attack vector.

Anonymous said...

It all seems to come down to exceptional-'ism' of some flavour in the end: secular, religious, political, corporate, individual. One human species; many images of the self, each with their claim to reality. Will the real human being please stand up?

Society - the original 'fallacy of composition'; a kaleidoscope of images of self. How can harmony arise from such dreams?

Mind is the problem maker – I do not think it is wisdom to use it (unassisted) as the problem solver?

For me - just as emotions prime the physical body, the mind is supposed to harmonise the emotions, learn from the Law of Correspondences and Analogy – and allow the heart to enlighten it. There is a sequence of command there. Mind no longer acts as a kaleidoscope: - only in the realm of the human heart, are all of the fragmented images of the selves focused, and the beautiful reality of the underlying unity known. It is the job of mind to 'under' 'stand'.

If that little ray of hope (which is our only shield) is false, then we are all definitely “helically fixed to an inclined plane”. Leonard to Sheldon, when the latter found out he had a girl-friend (heart) he didn't understand or appreciate.