Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Tina Jennings — Ol' Joe Biden Rips Loose and Blows the Lid Off Who Armed ISIS

Joe goes off script in a Q& A and reveals the truth.
Shooting his mouth off at a Harvard Q&A with students last Thursday, Biden said:
“… our biggest problem is our allies – our allies in the region were our largest problem in Syria. The Turks were great friends – and I have the greatest relationship with Erdogan, which I just spent a lot of time with – the Saudis, the Emiratis, etc. But what were they doing? They were so determined to take down Assad and essentially have a proxy Sunni-Shia war, what did they do?
They poured hundreds of millions of dollars and tens, thousands of tons of weapons into anyone who would fight against Assad, except that the people who were being supplied were Al Nusra and Al Qaeda and the extremist elements of jihadis coming from other parts of the world.
Now you think I’m exaggerating – take a look… Now we have – the President’s been able to put together a coalition of our Sunni neighbors, because America can’t once again go into a Muslim nation and be seen as the aggressor – it has to be led by Sunnis to go and attack a Sunni organization.”
This is a revealing post. Read the whole thing.

Russia Insider
Ol' Joe Biden Rips Loose and Blows the Lid Off Who Armed ISIS
Tina Jennings


Ignacio said...

There is no "moderate middle" because any sort of moderate intellectual leadership has been either exiles in the west or killed by both dictators and religious nuts.

The West pursued this strategy for decades in order to defeat any rising socialist/communist secular movement and to keep those places under control. Now people there just will avoid being politically active and risk their lives.

As for the rest, just one more confirmation of what we already know...

Matt Franko said...

I dont see the point of this article from a US perspective...

So everybody wants Assad out (except Russia...) so they try to figure out how to do that...

One approach will turn out to be better than others... we have just been witnessing a bad approach to doing it... mercenaries, providing small arms to belligerent factions, etc...

It doenst have anything to do with one faction over there separately conspiring to bring down a Russian airliner and shoot up Paris... or Iran still shooting off their mouths with their 'death to America!' shit...

Unless they can trace back some of the weapons/explosives used in Paris/Suez to something the US provided (are we supplying AK-47s? suicide vests? I'd think not...) if they can then perhaps Obama should be impeached for providing arms to terrorists...

Tom this has never been the "A Team" not even the "B Team" with the Obama people running this stuff... its not surprising from a US political right perspective that things are all screwed up... there is a new movie coming out from Michael Bay called "13 Hours" here is trailer:

This person in the article is writing from an external to US perspective (TIP: 'RUSSIA Insider') so to them its "the US is arming the ISIS people!" but from an internal US right perspective, its "these f-ing Democrat clowns are arming the f-ing terrorists!"... that's they way we on the right are looking at this... this is a Democrat moron-fest in foreign policy plain and simple they are way over their heads...

Ignacio said...

Is not the US are arming ISIS or democrats are arming ISIS", is, as Joe Biden said, as simple as "our supposed allies in the region are encouraging this conflict to continue because their power games in the region".

Is all a "joke" and everybody fooling each other, as it usually is with all the MENA conflicts since the British, French etc. abandoned the place and partitioned it with square and triangle. It could be over in a month (because ISIS getting stronger is taking longer each time) if the regional powers wanted, but as usually since all those artificial frontiers were drawn middle last century they are playing games with each other.

This is not going to end doing some bombing here and there, what will happen is an other iteration of it or a continuation, because it still is an unresolved problem that goes way back. The regional powers (except Syria) now are happy with the situation: S.A. is free to bomb the hell out of Yemen, Israel has the Muslims were they want killing each other and Hezbola busy, Turkey has a free pass to shell the Kurds and keep playing his "ottomanian" dreams, Iran and S.A. got their proxy war, all have an unstable Syria and a weak Iraq, and defense contractors are busy selling weapons to everybody. All have excuses to blame the outsider "du jour" of national problems and ramping defense budgets. From the other post below(a good summary, slightly long but worth it):

You got there two major occupations, over-extension, increased military spending, etc. and the trend is UP, most of those are Muslims killing other Muslims and proxy conflicts/terrorism. Great for all involved, "create a problem > offer a solution" cycle continues. The right is as clueless as the left and on the same loop of "create problem > offer solution", this is not over until the whole region is stabilized and the ones inciting conflict are powerless, and this has to be done with/from the locals, no fantasy invasions and campaigns (including plans to defuse the demographic bomb and provide jobs to a very young population with unreal unemployments of 30% or more).

Ignacio said...

btw the post is lacking a link to the article

Anonymous said...

ISIS is a direct outcome of neoconservative foreign policy. Most neocons are Republicans, but some are Democrats too. These people are delusional crackpots. The have a dream of rebuilding the entire freaking Middle East from the ground up to fill it with US and Israeli puppets. Never will happen; never could happen. But they have pushed one idiot adventure after another in their efforts, and unleashed holy hell in the form of jihadi radicals who have rushed into the many power vacuums they have created. Maybe that's actually on purpose, because they would like nothing better than to drag millions of young Americans into WW Slaughterhouse Three in the Middle East in order to solidify Israel's 100 year land grab. When Putin tried to get in the way of this lunatic cadre, they decided to target him as well by bringing down the government of Ukraine and probably hoping to pull the Crimea into the Nato. It didn't work. Putin snatched Crimea away from Ukraine and then got busy fighting the people in the Middle East we should have been fighting all along.

Let's see what happens. Politicians of both parties are too frightened of these loons to tell them to take a hike.

Malmo's Ghost said...

Umm Syria is Obama's and his administration's clusterfuck. That makes them neocons? Not.

The Rombach Report said...

Rand Paul has been talk about this for quite some time. Have a look at this FOX interview of Rand Paul by Tucker Carlson starting about 6:16 minutes into the video segment.

Tom Hickey said...

Link fixed. Thanks.

Matt Franko said...

All good points D and I.....