Monday, May 9, 2016

Dylan Matthews — Donald Trump on the debt: "You never have to default because you print the money” – Updated

Trump's latest comments suggest that he grasps this notion. In doing so, he's echoing a heterodox left-wing economics movement that's gotten some buy-in from Bernie Sanders as well: modern monetary theory….
Donald Trump on the debt: "You never have to default because you print the money”
Dylan Matthews

UPDATE: MMT economist Scott Fullwiler is on this at Twitter.

Scott Fullwiler @stf18


Matt Franko said...

"that's gotten some buy-in from Bernie Sanders as well"

Complete and utter bullshit. ... hey Matthews how about citing your sources here?

Can we get a link to Sanders statement ? How about reaching out to Sanders for a comment ? Ie reporting....

Tom Hickey said...

Scott is on this at Twitter now.

Scott Fullwiler @stf18

Peter Pan said...

Bernie can't hear you, he has his head stuck in a place where the sun don't shine.