Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Bannon to Charlie Rose — Trump Combined ‘Jacksonian Populism’ & ‘Hamiltonian Economic Nationalism’ to Galvanize Working-Class Americans


It seems that Steve Bannon either forgot about or is ignorant of Friedrich List and the National System and a lot of other American populist and economic nationalist history. Or he is just pumping the big names that most people recognize and relate to.

Breitbart News
Bannon to Charlie Rose: Trump Combined ‘Jacksonian Populism’ & ‘Hamiltonian Economic Nationalism’ to Galvanize Working-Class Americans
Tony Lee


Matt Franko said...

He doesn't have millenials though other than alt-right...

He has a working coalition of warrior class, conservative boomers, material disenfranchised GenXers, and alt-right/alt-lite millenials.... it worked...

Kaivey said...

It sounds horrendous!

Kaivey said...

But the interview was quite good. Sadly, although he criticized the corrupt ruling elite who own the country, the media, and Washington, he, like Trump, doesn't criticise the Military-Industrial Complex which the ruling elite own as well.