Saturday, September 9, 2017

Lucinda Shen — Study Finds ‘Collusion Network’ of Fake Likes on Facebook

Fake FB likes — another nonsense concern coupled with faux outrage.

How about all the fake reviews on Amazon? Are they next?

Moreover, this doesn't compare even slightly with the mass reach of highly centralized corporate media that manage the news cycle, conflate news with public relations (that is often political propaganda) and advertising, and even construct dubious if not false narrative that go way beyond "spin."

The global corporate totalitarians are not going to be satisfied until they control everything. It's the nature of bourgeois liberalism based on ownership of private property.

This phase of the historical dialectic is approaching the point of this moment's excess, with the result that an opposing dialectical force is rising to correct the excess.

Study Finds ‘Collusion Network’ of Fake Likes on Facebook
Lucinda Shen

1 comment:

Ryan Harris said...

Social media automation software allows you to automatically follow back and automatically like posts and replies by all or select groups of your "friends" before you've actually physically seen them. I signed up for a Russian company that provides the service because they were half the price of the US based version. They also automatically mute new followers unless they share the same interests as you which certainly provides an interesting dynamic to our social media bubbles.