Friday, September 8, 2017

Michael Krieger — The 1% Has Started To Embrace Bitcoin - Why It Matters

This is a no-brainer. Large-scale money laundering. The push to delete cash to control crime is quickly being met by the rise in use of blockchain "currencies."

As Yves Smith has said, "prosecution futures."

Liberty Blitzkrieg
Michael Krieger

1 comment:

NeilW said...

There is an advantage.

If the 1% shift into 'Bitcoin' then they are no longer hoarding state currency. And if nobody hoards in state currecncy then the budgets become balanced.

Bitcoin fanatics this Bitcoin is like Gold because it is 'mined' and limited in scope. Unfortunately they forgot that you can easily create another Bitcoin just by running the software again. So actually we now have dozens of crypto-currencies all vying for your investment, all creating coins like mad.

So let them launder their money and run off into the sunset. It doesn't matter once you realise that taxation is just an exercise in reserving resources for the public use. Once you get to that understanding, then there are other tools available that are more direct and far more effective.

The place to tax is the exchanges - and only back into the state currency.