Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Paul Antonopoulos — BREAKING: US military attempts to block Syrian governments access to ISIS-held gas, oilfields in Deir Ezzor

The fight for Syrian oil is on, at least appears to be from reports.


Matt Franko said...

Could be new Trump policy: "Take the oil!"... to get the munnie back...

Tom Hickey said...

Could be new Trump policy: "Take the oil!"... to get the munnie back.

This is the very old US policy. It began when FDR pulled an end run by holding a secret meeting with King Said after Yalta, before Churchill could get to him, cementing a deal that would put the US in #1 position in the ME, where Britain had been previously. Since then the US has treated the ME as its backyard.

Tom Hickey said...

"Said" should be "Saud."

Matt Franko said...

Could be implementing this policy: