Friday, September 15, 2017

Paul Goncharoff — Russia Is in Much Better Economic Shape Than Your Are Being Told

The post fails to distinguish between public and private debt, but otherwise of interest.

One of the reasons that the Russian economy "looks better" is the conservative monetary policy run that the central bank is running and the conservative fiscal policy that the government is running. Putin backs both.

Russia could be doing a whole lot better running a looser monetary and fiscal stance, but then it would not "look as good" to international investors, which Russia has no need to depend on anyway since it is a currency sovereign. Russia would actually look a lot better if it were booming and that is possible to achieve through more enlightened (MMT-based) economic policy.


Kaivey said...

Both Paul Craig Roberts and Micheal Hudson wrote an open letter to the Russian government uttering them to move away from its reliance on Western loans and banks and to use its central bank to create all the money it needs. They said that the economists who run the central bank were neoliberals and should be replaced.

Kaivey said...

America could have kept most of its power but instead threatened China, Russia, Venezuela and other nations that were independent and so caused there nations to strengthen ties with each other and now they are abandoning the petrol dollar. The US aristocracy has brought about it's own demise.

Tom Hickey said...

If the US had practiced what it preaches, there would be no problem. Instead, the US acted hypocritically to gain advantage doing things it denied other had the right to do, because liberal exceptionalism, the US as "the indispensible nation," and the end justifies the means.