For example, "capital" can be either financial or non-finanacial ("real" or actual).
"Investment" has two different meanings. Financial "investment" is portfolio wealth held as financial instruments a form of savings in contrast to real goods like real estate, physical precious metals, and collectibles like art.
"Savings" denotes a stock, and "saving" denotes a flow. "Savings" denotes portfolio holdings that can be held either in financial instruments or non-fiancial goods. "Saving" is defined in macroeconomics as income not spent ("consumed") in an accounting period.
Failure to recognize these ambiguities results in conflation of concepts and confusion about finance and economics.
Steve Roth
Cut to the chase and tax wealth itself in any form. Billionaires should not exist.
I prefer preemption, but that requires at least deep reform if not restructing the entire system.
Guys like Steve Roth are so deep into their belief that what they do is so vital. "I create nothing. I own." -Gordon Gekko
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