

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Alfred W. McCoy — World War III With China: How It Might Actually Be Fought

Dragon breath.

World War III With China: How It Might Actually Be Fought
Alfred W. McCoy | J.R.W. Smail Professor of History at the University of Wisconsin–Madison


The Diplomat
US Navy, Marine Corps Unveil New Strategy to Turn Tables on A2/AD
Steven Stashwick

1 comment:

  1. Cheerful stiff as usual. No one wants another world war, what planet are our leaders on? It's all so unnecessary because the mega rich in West won't become poor just because China and Russia become wealthy nations too. The elite should be investing in new industries here and building up Western infrastructure.

    PCR is right that free trade doesn't mean offshoring our jobs. How can you offshore the jobs and then sell the products made abroad back at home if people here have no jobs and therefore no wages. As PCR says, if you offshore the jobs you offshore the wages. We should only but stuff from other countries that we can't produce ourselves. Technology is what will give us our standard of living, not buying cheap from abroad.

    The rich could live in the best mansions, drink the finest wines and eat the best food, by just investing here. They say they believe in capitalism but they don't wish to compete by designing and making better products. Most, it seems, only know how to make their money out of rent seeking and by controlling the market of dirty fuels.
