

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Godfree Roberts — Selling Democracy to China

Explanation of how China works. Pretty well, actually.

The Unz Review
Selling Democracy to China
Patrik K. Meyer, Foreign Expert at the Department of Arabic language & Literature at Peking University in Beijing, China

See also
In 2007 the Cuban government created forums for everyone in the country to contribute to a ‘Great Debate’ about Cuba’s socio-economic problems and to suggest concrete solutions. Subsequently, the draft Guidelines were compiled, with proposals to address the issues raised. These were circulated for six months of public consultation prior to the 6th Congress of the Cuban Communist Party (CCP) in April 2011. After nearly nine million Cubans, out of a population of 11.2 million, debated the draft, 68% of the Guidelines were modified. The redrafted document returned to the National Assembly for further discussion, modification and approval. This formidable democratic process legitimised the Guidelines, which serve as the template for ‘updating the Cuban model’ to improve economic efficiency and productive capacity within a socialist framework.
Conceptualising Cuban Socialism
Helen Yaffe | Fellow in the Economic History Department at the London School of Economics

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