Monday, October 2, 2017

Brother Nathanael: Trump's UN Freak Show Feauturing Haley and McMaster!

Brother Nathanael is a character and this video is hilarious. If you enjoy Tom's posts you will like this video too. I came across Brother Nathaniel a few years back but I never bothered with him much seeing him as mad and also too right wing, but with the antics of HRC and the crazed liberals who follow her I'm beginning to find him pertinent.

He's a Jew who converted to Russian Orthodox Christianity. I tried to do some research on him and the rumours are: he's manic depressive who doesn't take his medication; he's a very angry man; he's a closet gay; he's a failed salesman who then became a monk at several monasteries; the bishop at his latest monastery has told him to stop is antics or else.

Brother Natathanael say's he was a successful salesman who was able to retire early and devote himself to Christianity and he now spends most of his time Street preaching in all his garb. I doubt if he is mentally ill despite his eccentric behaviour, he's far too with it for that. I think he is making a lot of money out of his site, though, he's turned it into a business with mugs and tea shirts for sale as well.


GLH said...

Not a Christian but I watch Brother Nathaneal every week. The only preacher I believe is honest even though I don't agree with his ideas about gays and a few other things. By the way, another book suggestion is "The Populist Moment" by Lawrence Goodwyn.

Kaivey said...

I hold the same views as you, GLH. I will check out that book.

Kaivey said...

I'm British and I criticise the Britain and say the British did this or that but it doesn't mean I'm anti the British people. I hate the British Empire and it's cruelty and I will say the British looted the world and knocked back India's development by 500 years but I don't think British people are bad, it's the ruling elite.

I criticise the US and I might say the Americans did this or that but I'm not against American people.

I criticise Israel and the Neocons but so does Steven Lendman, Norman Finkelstein, Miko Pelod, and Eran Efrati - all Jews.

Kaivey said...

It's interesting because I'm English and I might say to friends in pub how brutal the English were to the Irish in centuries come past, and I might say 'we' did this and that, but it doesn't mean I'm criticising myself or my friends I'm enjoying a pint with. I don't think it was me, or my friends, or the other people in the pub that made the potato famine worse in Ireland but I will say 'we', meaning the English, as a figure of speech.

Tyler said...

He goes too far. I've seen his videos. He doesn't think there are any good Jews.

Kaivey said...

I've written to him about it. If his answer is printable I will put it out here.

Kaivey said...

I put the video out because Brother Nathanael exposes American hypocrisy in an extremely funny way. Now did you notice what I said here, 'American hypocrisy', but I don't mean every American who is reading this, I mean the American government. And I might say to friends that the Americans said this to Iran, or that to North Korea, but I don't mean all Americans, or most Americans, I'm talking about American foreign policy.

Tyler said...

Correction: he thinks people like Gilad Atzmon are good Jews.

Tom Hickey said...

All people are trapped in their own minds, which are embedded in a cultural mindset that is historically and geographically determined, along with various subcultural mindsets (groupthink), in addition to personal disposition and development.

As a result no ordinary human being is able to comprehend the "common reality" that all people are assumed to inhabit mutually.

There are differences in cultural worldview, subcultural groupthink, and individual differences that result in all having their own unique view of reality that intersects broad with the cultural worldview that is historically and geographically determined by each persons location in time and space, less broadly depending on one's associations, and absolutely unique in so far it as personal.

For example, I was just reading an article by American foreign policy experts who are put of power realists, criticizing the conventional US view at this time about Russia — although it could as well have been about China, Iran, or whatever based on other things I read. While it was less extreme than the usual fare from those running things now, I stopped reading it halfway through since they were analyzing how Russian think and they obviously didn't have a clue about this from the Russian point of view. The article was about how Americans think (assume) Russians think, that is, would think if they were Americans. And these people are "experts"! They were obviously trapped in their own minds and could not conceive of anyone thinking differently.

Kaivey said...

I'm watching a Gilad Atzmon video right now. WTF! I'm going to have to watch it again to make sure I'm hearing it right.