Sunday, July 8, 2018

A New Way to Think About Solving the World’s Biggest Problems — David Sloan Wilson interviews John Bunzl and Nick Duffell

DSW: A while back I received a book in the mail titled “The SIMPOL Solution: A New Way to Think About Solving the World’s Biggest Problems” by John Bunzl and Nick Duffell, who were unknown to me. I get sent a lot of books with grandiose titles and don’t get around to reading most of them. But something about this one intrigued me, along with an endorsement by Noam Chomsky, who wrote “It’s ambitious and provocative: Can it work? Certainly worth a serious try”.
So I read it in a single sitting on a transatlantic flight and was triply impressed. Not only did the authors have a clear understanding of Destructive Global Competition (DGC) between nations and the need for worldwide cooperation, but they actually had a plan called Simultaneous Policy (SIMPOL) for how to achieve it in an incremental fashion.... 
A New Way to Think About Solving the World’s Biggest Problems
David Sloan Wilson interviews John Bunzl and Nick Duffell

1 comment:

Noah Way said...

"give citizens the power to compel their leaders"

That's what money is for.

SIMPOL has about the same effect as a fart in a cyclone.