Sunday, July 15, 2018

Bill McBride — The Longest Economic and Housing Expansions in U.S. History

According to NBER, the four longest expansions in U.S. history are:
1) From a trough in March 1991 to a peak in March 2001 (120 months).
2) From a trough in June 2009 to today, July 2018 (109 months and counting).
3) From a trough in February 1961 to a peak in December 1969 (106 months).
4) From a trough in November 1982 to a peak in July 1990 (92 months).
So the current expansion is the second longest, and it seems very likely that the current expansion will surpass the '90s expansion in the Summer of 2019....
Calculated Risk
The Longest Economic and Housing Expansions in U.S. History
Bill McBride

1 comment:

Matt Franko said...

“Stability creates instability!”