Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Craig Murray — Detente Bad, Cold War Good

The entire “liberal” media and political establishment of the Western world reveals its militarist, authoritarian soul today with the screaming and hysterical attacks on the very prospect of detente with Russia. Peace apparently is a terrible thing; a renewed arms race, with quite literally trillions of dollars pumped into the military industrial complex and hundreds of thousands dying in proxy wars, is apparently the “liberal” stance.
Political memories are short, but just 15 years after Iraq was destroyed and the chain reaction sent most of the Arab world back to the dark ages, it is now “treason” to question the word of the Western intelligence agencies, which deliberately and knowingly produced a fabric of lies on Iraqi WMD to justify that destruction.

It would be more rational for it to be treason for leaders to blindly accept the word of the intelligence services.…
The power of persuasion to subvert reason, and the ongoing power of argument based on (putative) authority rather than evidence.

Craig Murray Blog
Detente Bad, Cold War Good
Craig Murray, formerly British ambassador to Uzbekistan and Rector of the University of Dundee


Kaivey said...

I always wonder what the Western media would say if Russia went around the world and did what the US had donr?

And what would the Western media would have said if Russia has done to a different ethic group within Russia what Israel has done to the Palestinians?

And what if Russia had had used 'faulty intelligence ' to start loads of wars in the ME? And what if a Russian scientist, a weapons expert like David Kelly, who knew the intelligence was wrong and was about to blow the gaff was found hung in the woods which the Russian authorities said was suicide? Hmmm!

And what if Russia had blanket bombed South East Asia with napalm and prosperous killing millions of people and destroying thousands of towns and cities back in the 1960's.

But the Western media seems to think that Russia is way more evil, but what can be more evil than the West?

Kaivey said...

And i wonder what the Western media would have said if It was Putin that had sent political prisoners to be brutally tortured in Middle Eastern countries like Blair had done which Craig Murray had revealed?

Kaivey said...

And what if Putin's party had removed poor people from the electoral register who were likely to vote for opposing parties?