Monday, July 16, 2018

Kevin Zeese, Nils Mccune - Correcting The Record: What Is Really Happening In Nicaragua?

In the crazy world of the neoliberalism, where black is white, war is peace, evil is good, slavery is freedom, monopolies are exemplars of perfect markets, etc, we see in Nicaragua the right wing opposition carrying out violent protests, murders, rapes, and torture and blaming it on the left-wing Ortega government while the corporate media goes along with the lies reporting fake news.

The Ortega government rejects neoliberalism and austerity and is improving the lives for the majority of Nicaraguans. KV

An Upside Down Class War
It is important to understand the nature of US and oligarch coups in this era and the role of media and NGO deception because it is repeated in multiple Latin American and other countries. We can expect a similar attack on recently elected Andrés Manuel López Obrador in Mexico, if he seeks the changes he has promised.
The US has sought to dominate Nicaragua since the mid-1800s. The wealthy in Nicaragua have sought return of US-allied governance since the Sandinistas rose to power. This failing coup does not mean the end of their efforts or the end of corporate media misinformation. Knowing what is really occurring and sharing that information is the antidote to defeating them in Nicaragua and around the world.
Nicaragua is a class war turned upside down. The government has raised the living standards of the impoverished majority through wealth redistribution. Oligarchs and the United States, unable to install neoliberalism through elections, created a political crisis, highlighted by false media coverage to force Ortega to resign. The coup is failing, the truth is coming out, and should not be forgotten.
The National Police of Nicaragua has been long-recognized for its model of community policing (in contrast to militarized police in most Central American countries), its relative lack of corruption, and its mostly female top brass. The coup strategy has sought to destroy public trust in the police through egregious use of fake news, such as the many false claims of assassinations, beatings, torture, and disappearances in the week from April 17th to 23rd. Several young people whose photos were carried in opposition rallies as victims of police violence have turned out to be alive and well.


wilwon32 said...

This phenomenon in Nicaragua appears to be similar to those described by John Perkins [New (and old) Confessions of an Economic Hit Man]. By the way, there are a number of interesting videos on You Tube, including:


John's solution proposal is to convince the corporatocracy to adopt a change of heart. He currently conducts tours to visit shamans in the jungles of Central/South America.

Tom Hickey said...

Difficult for those that have hardened their hearts.

Unknown said...

A good recommendation, come to nicaragua and see with your own eyes what's happening! 315 murders and counting in 4 months and must of them by direct gunshots to the head by profesional snipers in a country once called as the safest country of central america, with a president that shakes hands and make business with Nicolas Maduro and Evo Morales, with more than 2 accusations of rape of underaged women and historicaly known as a friend of Pablo Emilio Escibar Gaviria... So it's easy to count numbers right???

Tom Hickey said...

@ Daliana Mairena

Actually, I was in Nicaragua in 1978 when General Anastasio Somoza Debayle was "president" but really dictator. He was also head of the armed forces. Really nice guy (SNARK).

Times were really great for the Nicaraguan people then, until the Sandinistas came to power and David Ortega became president, when everything went down the tubes (SNARK).

The fact is that the elite class that had formerly held power worked with the US to overthrow the Sandinista government, which is well documented.

The Contras were such nice people. (SNARK). They were armed, funded and supported by the US. See Iran-Contra affair that rocked the Reagan presidency.

The same thing has gone on in Latin America for many decades and the well-documented conflicts in so-called leftists countries are continuing evidence of that.

The US considers Latin America its backyards and has historically supported puppet governments run by the elite classes that deliver what the US wants in stead of what the people as a whole want.

I am not saying that the Sandinistas or Ortega brought perfect government to Nicaragua, or any other leftist president in Latin America. The reasons for that are complicated, with similarities (all have been opposed by the US and subject to covert operations) and differences (all situations are unique owing to local conditions).

The typical way that the US covert forces (CIA, NGOs) work is to piggyback on local dissent for legitimate reasons and use the people's energy to effect regime change through "color revolution." It's the standard operating procedure, especially after the huge embarrassment of failed invasion in Cuba (Bay of Pigs) and Vietnam (full-scale war).

But thank you for commenting.

Tom Hickey said...

For details search on Max Blumenthal and Nicaragua. He has been on this.

Unknown said...

todo lo que dice este articulo es una mentira pagada por los ortega murillo TOTAL FAKE NEWS

Tom Hickey said...

@ Esperanza Lacay

Thanks for you opinion, but without citing facts it is just an opinion.

We can argue about facts and evidence. Arguing over opinions gets nowhere.