Wednesday, July 18, 2018

PCR - Putin Confronts The American Dystopia

Putin Confronts The American Dystopia

Paul Craig Roberts
We have to hand it to Putin. He is the best that there is. Note the ease with which he mopped up the floor with that idiot Chris Wallace.
What is wrong with the US media that it cannot produce a second competent journalist as company for Tucker Carlson? Why are America’s remaining good journalists, such as Chris Hedges, now in the alternate media?
All I can say, and Putin probably already knows it, is that there is more going on than presstitutes holding the relationship between Russia and the US hostage to an internal political struggle between the Democratic Party and President Trump. It is not just that the corrupt US media is serving as propagandists for the Democratic Party against President Trump. The presstitutes are serving the interest of the military/security complex, which has ownership interests in the highly concentrated US media, to keep Russia positioned as the enemy that justifies the huge $1,000 billion budget of the military/security complex. Without the “Russian enemy,” what is the justification for such a waste of money when so many real needs go underfunded and unfunded?
In other words, the American media are not only stupid, they are corrupt beyond all measure.
The armaments industry should also be nationalized. Not only is it a power greater than the elected government, it also is vastly inefficient. The Russian armaments industry with a tiny fraction of the US military budget produces far superior weapons. As President Eisenhower, a Five-Star General, said, the military-industrial complex is a threat to American democracy. Why are the presstitute scum so worried about non-existant Russian interference when the military/security complex is so powerful that it can actually substitute itself for the elected government?


Matt Franko said...

“justifies the huge $1,000 billion budget of the military/security complex. Without the “Russian enemy,” what is the justification for such a waste of money”

PCR is biased anti-war AND thinks “we’re out of money!”...

Konrad said...

“The Russian armaments industry with a tiny fraction of the US military budget produces far superior weapons.” ~PCR

That’s because money allotted for Russian weapons is devoted to making weapons, not to fattening the bank accounts of executives of military contractors.

When U.S. military contractors get federal dollars to create a new weapons system, they stretch out the flow of those dollars as long as possible by intentionally causing cost overruns, and by deliberately failing to solve all the bugs. This keeps a new system “in development” for decades. It is why the USA could never win a war against a real adversary.

Kaivey said...

Greg Palast talks about this, how nuclear power stations are never built on time but always run over budget. The government gets scared that they may have wasted a load of money and so pay up, but the contractors will still need more money later on, and so on. Only when the government reaches the point where they can't spend anymore money do the contractors finally finish the project. It's the same for loads of things.