Sunday, November 18, 2018

Is There a Fifth Dimension?: Arlie Petters at TEDxNCSSM

Scientists have the tools and methods to discern whether there is a 5th dimension - four spacial dimensions plus time. A three dimensional object casts a two dimensional shadow on a flat two dimensional plane, but a four dimensional object would cast a three dimensional shadow in our space time.

Arlie Petters studies the shadows created by the stars in the universe and as their light passes the planets the pattern it produces looks remarkably like the human brain with its membranes and cells.

We once thought the World was flat, but then we discovered it was round. Are we ready for another paradigm shift, asks Arlie Petters?

A 2012 video, so it seems they haven't found the 5th dimension yet.


Konrad said...

“Scientists have the tools and methods to discern whether there is a 5th dimension - four spacial dimensions plus time.”

You mean three spacial dimensions (height, width, and depth) plus time. Perhaps consciousness is the fifth dimension.

“We once thought the World was flat, but then we discovered it was round.”

Trivia: Historian Jeffrey Burton Russell says the flat-Earth legend flourished between 1870 and 1920, when pro-Darwin people pejoratively compared creationists to ancient people who (supposedly) thought the Earth was flat.

In reality, people have known that the earth is a sphere since the ancient Greeks, and even before.

Eratosthenes (276 – 194 BC) calculated the Earth’s circumference with remarkable accuracy, and also calculated the tilt of the Earth’s axis (23.5 degrees). He also deduced the distance from the earth to the sun.


Christopher Columbus studied what Eratosthenes had written about the size of the Earth, but Columbus was so eager for success that he chose to believe a map by Toscanelli, which said the Earth's circumference was one-third smaller. Had Columbus not deluded himself, he would have known that the place where he made landfall was not Asia, but the New World.


“Are we ready for another paradigm shift, asks Arlie Petters?”

Maybe. One paradigm shift I would like to see is a reversion to a cyclical view of life, rather than today’s linear view. As Michael Hudson notes, this would open the door to periodic debt jubilees, as was practiced by ancient Sumeria and other civilizations before the Greeks with their linear view.

Sumerians knew that debt compounds exponentially, multiplying far faster than the ability to pay the debt, thereby causing society to collapse (as will happen to the USA). Hence the need for debt jubilees that allowed society to start over (i.e. start a new cycle).

Some people think that prohibitions against usury performed the same function. However the definition of “usury” tends to be dictated by usurers.

A cyclical view of life would also end the supremacy currently enjoyed by creditors over debtors.


Trivia (based on the video): I once asked an astronomy professor why the ambient temperature of outer space, even far away from any star or physical object, is 3 degrees Kelvin. I asked why the temperature is not absolute zero. The professor responded that space is not “nothingness.”

Huh? I don’t know what he meant by that..

Noah Way said...

Four spatial dimensions:

Length, width, height, and stupidity.

Any minute now the BEE should be along to prove it.