Monday, April 8, 2019

Maxximilian Seijo — A Response to Rebecca Spang's "MMT and Why Historians Need to Reclaim Studying Money"

Historian Rebecca Spang’s latest History News Network piececon MMT and history is both timely and thought-provoking. In addition to its biting critique of economic orthodoxy and other valuable insights, the essay sets into relief a productive ontological debate about money and its historical manifestations. Part of the present breakdown of the neoliberal consensus, the insurgent popularity of MMT in contemporary discourse has enlivened conservations about the nature of money and its role in shaping social life. As Spang rightly claims, this discourse requires historical context. As such, I welcome and applaud Spang’s intervention. However, I also wish to underscore some crucial differences between Spang's vital work (particularly on the French Revolution and the rhetoric of inflation) and the historical work being done within the MMT movement. 
History News Network
A Response to Rebecca Spang's "MMT and Why Historians Need to Reclaim Studying Money"
Maxximilian Seijo | Research Fellow for the Global Institute for Sustainable Prosperity, the Junior Member of the Modern Money Network's Humanities Division Executive Committee, and co-host of the Money on the Left podcast

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