Thursday, May 16, 2019

Craig Murray — The Pivot Point

Sometimes history appears to be approaching a pivot point, and then the weight swings back and nothing happens. But sometimes it does tip, and times such as these are times of great potential for change. I see hope, for example, in the upsurge of support for Green politics, and the happy convergence of popular political discontent with rising awareness over climate change.
This may be a point in time owing to a crisis or a process during which a realignment is worked out. I would bet on the latter alternative. This is likely to extend at least over the decade of the 20s s an "interregnum" (A. Gramsci). This will be a period in which the American millennial generation supplants the post-WWII "baby boomers" as the most numerous generation and the trendsetters. Globally, there is already a realignment underway in which the West is losing its dominant position that commenced half a millennium ago. This is likely to be a period of conflict.

Craig Murray Blog
The Pivot Point
Craig Murray, formerly British ambassador to Uzbekistan and Rector of the University of Dundee

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