Thursday, July 18, 2019

Arvin Ash - Does Consciousness Create Reality? Double Slit Experiment may show the Answer.

It has been found human consciousness is not necessary to bring the universe into existance because the universe observes itself. But that doesn't mean it's conscious in the way we are.

1 comment:

wlljohn7 said...

The wave collapses without conscious observation, but it is conscious observation, conscious calculation and conscious measurement that provides this answer in the first place. It's consciousness that illuminates the existence of this universe from the darkness of non-being and gives it its significance. Without consciousness, without mind, all of this, this universe, has no reality, no tangibility or even possibility. In this sense, consciousness is fundamental to the creation of reality itself. All the rest is speculation: the independence of the object from the mind, and its qualia, of the subject---created, ironically enough, by the mind of the subject itself.