Thursday, July 18, 2019

Imperialism in a coffee cup — John Smith

Why is it that just 1p of a £2.50 cup of coffee goes to the farmer who cultivated and harvested the coffee beans?
Open Democracy
John Smith

1 comment:

Kaivey said...

A very powerful article.

The whole of Western civilisation could collapse without slavery of the Third World. But would it really? In the 1950's people had lot less but were just as happy, and technology is always advancing. People would probably be happier in a non neoliberal world.

I'm arguing with some Tommy Robinson supporters on YouTube at the moment. I'm telling them that immigration is not the fault of the left, but the right and its imperialism, which is driving the rest of the World into poverty. UKIP would not change this system, I tell them. They don't like me much.