Friday, January 15, 2021

QAnon’s Afterlife: A Holy Civil War — Jack Z. Bratich

QAnon has stirred up the necrotic passions in such a way that a significant sector of the population is ready for martyrdom. One can imagine the future instagram inspo posts now: “Dying my best death!” They already have some martyrs as a result of Jan 6. How many more are to come? More to the point, how will their slogan “where we go one we go all” include those taken against their will?

QAnon, now publicly moribund because it resides secretly in the hearts and hashtag-engorged profiles of its enthusiasts, has completed its mission’s first phase. It has developed a national social network gearing up for a holy war, ready to become fodder for its operators. Someday historians will puzzle over this elusive alphabet letter much like we do over the Nike shoes on Heaven’s Gate corpses. But the stakes this time are much higher.…
Reminds me of Tim LeHay's "The Rapture," where fiction morphs into reality for a lot of people and becomes a social and political influence in a powerful constituency.

QAnon’s Afterlife: A Holy Civil War
Jack Z. Bratich | associate professor in the journalism and media studies department at Rutgers University

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Zero Hedge
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The Unz Review
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