Sunday, June 6, 2021

Gu Li - Back Home to Visit My Parents vlog

 Gu Li is a Uyghur whose account was suspended by Twitter. Her account wasn't very old and it showed what daily life was like in Xinjiang, but I think Twitter felt that the CPC was involved in her account, or they used this reasoning as an excuse to suspend her account. She always seemed pretty genuine to me. Anyway, I'm posting this video because you can see how middle-class life in China is very similar to middle-class life in the West, and from what I can tell, the Chinese smile a lot too. 



Peter Pan said...

According to Natasha, Chinese merchants will swear in Russian if you visit and don't buy their goods.

Peter Pan said...

From 2018, PBS report:
The story of American poverty, as told by one Alabama county

Look who's a turd world country, as Matt would say.