Friday, July 2, 2021

A Remarkable Silence: Media Blackout After Key Witness Against Assange Admits Lying

A complete MSM blackout. Total silence. 

As we have pointed out since Media Lens began in 2001, a fundamental feature of corporate media is propaganda by omission. Over the past week, a stunning example has highlighted this core property once again.

A major witness in the US case against Julian Assange has just admitted fabricat­ing key accusati­ons in the indictment against the Wikileaks founder

 Tumbleweed In The ‘MSM’

But all of this is seemingly of no interest to the ‘mainstream’ media. We have not found a single report by any ‘serious’ UK broadcaster or newspaper. Journalist Matt Kennard, head of investigations at Declassified UK, observed fully two days after the story broke:

‘I don’t think one US or UK newspaper has reported this. The free press is incredible.’

Several days on, the ‘mainstream’ media silence is truly remarkable. As we remarked via Twitter:

‘The discipline, or blindness, to ignore awkward facts is a reliable feature of corporate “journalism”’

Of course, it is possible that we have missed something, somewhere in the ‘MSM’; perhaps a brief item at 3am on the BBC World Service. But in a sane world, Stundin’s revelations about a key Assange witness – that Thordarson lied in exchange for immunity from prosecution – would have been headline news everywhere, with extensive media coverage on BBC News at Six and Ten, ITV News, Channel 4 News, front-page stories in the Times, Telegraph, the Guardian and more. The silence is quite extraordinary; and disturbing. Caitlin Johnstone described it as a ‘weird, creepy media blackout’:

Media Lens

A Remarkable Silence: Media Blackout After Key Witness Against Assange Admits Lying

1 comment:

lastgreek said...

England 4

Ukraine 0

It's the soldiers of the Queen, my lads
Who've been my lads, who've seen my lads
In the fight for England's glory, lads
When we have to show them what we mean
And when we say wwe've always won
And when they ask us how it's done
We'll proudly point to ev'ryone
Of England's soldiers of the Queen.