Friday, August 6, 2021

A Walnut-Enriched Diet Affects Gut Microbiome in Healthy Caucasian Subjects: A Randomized, Controlled Trial

 By Charlotte Bamberger, Andreas Rossmeier, and Klaus G. Parhofer

Fortunately, shelled walnuts seem to be very fresh nowadays. I find that the supermarket own brands are fine. 

Regular walnut consumption is associated with better health. We have previously shown that eight weeks of walnut consumption (43 g/day) significantly improves lipids in healthy subjects. In the same study, gut microbiome was evaluated.

A Walnut-Enriched Diet Affects Gut Microbiome in Healthy Caucasian Subjects: A Randomized, Controlled Trial

1 comment:

lastgreek said...

You know what messes up a gut microbiome?

A bullet to the gut, that's what.

Watched last night the neo-noir film The Late Show. It stars Art Carney playing the role of an irritable, semi-retired private dick who unavoidably teams up with a young, quirky woman,played by Lily Tomlin, to solve a robbery-murder. Great movie (1977), and I mention it because most of the film's characters who were killed died by a bullet to the gut :)