Thursday, October 14, 2021

Why Jeff Bezos’ Space Dream is Humanity's Nightmare | George Monbiot

No one should be allowed to get bigger than the government, including Elon Musk, who I've gone off a bit recently. 

Of course governments can be bad, and many are, but the good of society should come before the desires of individuals. 

I was brought up with the British welfare state, where seeing its benefits first hand, it has made me a Big Government kind of guy. It's probably why I like MMT too. 

And trains! The Tories ripped up loads of train lines in Britain during the 1960's, which was known as Beching's cuts. What a shame!

A tweet about Chinese collectivism 

I once borrowed $5K from my father; I felt incredible shame.

I observe how Chinese families routinely lend money among themselves, often necessary to buy housing.

I read how certain Chinese companies, in debt, request their employees do the same.

Stockholders are not family.

Why Jeff Bezos’ Space Dream is Humanity's Nightmare | George Monbiot


Peter Pan said...

American capitalists are notorious for pulling the "we're a family, we need to pull together" bullshit during rough economic times.

Marian Ruccius said...

in-family lending and support is not exactly novel in any country