Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Climate Scientists Feel Your Pain, Dr. Fauci | Opinion, by MICHAEL E. MANN

It's not just the right that attack Fauci, but some of the radical left too, especially Jimmy Dore. It's gets him loads of viewers, apparently, and makes him lots of money. 

We see other remarkable parallels between the right-wing coronavirus and climate change disinformation campaigns. Mirroring the "climategate" smear campaign of 2010, wherein fossil fuel interests and their abettors sought to discredit climate scientists by misrepresenting their words and phrases from stolen emails, the Trump administration went so far as to circulate an opposition research document cherry-picking and misrepresenting Fauci's past statements in an effort to discredit him as a scientist and as a messenger.

Climate Scientists Feel Your Pain, Dr. Fauci | Opinion, by MICHAEL E. MANN

1 comment:

Peter Pan said...

Michael Mann has zero credibility in the Doomasphere.