Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Gonzalo Lira — Very Quick Stream


Gonzalo Lira
Very Quick Stream


Marian Ruccius said...

Russia Uses Captured Port of Berdyansk to Resupply Southern Front


Peter Pan said...

Dear Mr. Lira,

You don't censor yourself, which is what you just did.

You are correct that they don't censor you when you're wrong. Hence your Coach Red Pill content wasn't touched by YT.

Ahmed Fares said...

Do they have dogs in Ukraine? Asking seriously. First read this sample headline:

New satellite images show bodies have been strewn in Bucha for weeks

I've seen pictures of dead bodies that have been around for a while. They decompose, and then dogs and wild animals tear their clothes to bits to get at their flesh. Their clothes are always in tatters.

This doesn't look right.

Peter Pan said...

That breaks the timeline.