An economics, investment, trading and policy blog with a focus on Modern Monetary Theory (MMT). We seek the truth, avoid the mainstream and are virulently anti-neoliberalism.
Rank - Continent - Population Density (Km Squared) , Population Density (Mi Squared) 1 - Asia - 95.03 per sq km , 246.11 per sq mi 2 - Europe - 72.51 , 187.84 3 - Africa - 33.66 , 87.15 4 - North America - 22.13 , 57.29 5 - South America - 22.00 , 56.90 6 - Australia - 3.12 , 8.37
Guess who's going to run out of energy and resources first?
As Asia reaches western levels of consumption, they accelerate their own demise. Russia will be sitting pretty however, as will Canada. The last vestiges of a modern way of life will be confined to underpopulated countries.
Saturday Commentary and Review #98 - Niccolo Soldo
Hungary as "Electoral Autocracy", Giorgia Meloni on Cusp of Power in Italy, America's Disappearing Middle Classes, "Wokeness Loyalty Oaths", Re-assessing the 60s TV Show "The Prisoner"
Continents by Population Density
Rank - Continent - Population Density (Km Squared) , Population Density (Mi Squared)
1 - Asia - 95.03 per sq km , 246.11 per sq mi
2 - Europe - 72.51 , 187.84
3 - Africa - 33.66 , 87.15
4 - North America - 22.13 , 57.29
5 - South America - 22.00 , 56.90
6 - Australia - 3.12 , 8.37
Guess who's going to run out of energy and resources first?
As Asia reaches western levels of consumption, they accelerate their own demise.
Russia will be sitting pretty however, as will Canada. The last vestiges of a modern way of life will be confined to underpopulated countries.
Saturday Commentary and Review #98 - Niccolo Soldo
Hungary as "Electoral Autocracy", Giorgia Meloni on Cusp of Power in Italy, America's Disappearing Middle Classes, "Wokeness Loyalty Oaths", Re-assessing the 60s TV Show "The Prisoner"
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