Friday, August 11, 2023

Chinese electric car giant declares war on Western rivals — Howard Mustoe

China replicating Japan's rise? After WWII Japanese goods were infamous for being cheaply (poorly) mad. How that changed over the years. Is Chinese tech and manufacturing set to replicate that cycle? It won't happen overnight, but neither did Japan's rise. At least the challenge has been thrown down, and those who benefit most from competition are consumers.

Yahoo Finance
Chinese electric car giant declares war on Western rivals
Howard Mustoe


Peter Pan said...

There are some Chinese electric cars available in the UK and Europe. But North America...?

My e-bike is made in China.

Matt Franko said...

UAW will never let them in…

Konrad said...

“UAW will never let them in…”

They might if China built factories in the USA.

However Washington will not allow that.

Last year China overtook Germany in automobile exports. This year China will overtake Japan.

China is simply out-producing everyone. The USA did the same thing. It gained supremacy by out-producing everyone from the late 1800s to the 1970s, at which point the USA switched from industrial capitalism to financial capitalism, which hollowed out the nation, boosted inequality to astronomical levels, and created the mass despair that led to today’s depravities, such as wokery and other liberal psychoses.

Matt Franko said...

“ which point the USA switched from industrial capitalism to financial capitalism,”

You (Marx bias) are mischaracterizing the last Cold War soft power initiative to partner with elements in these commie nations to locate some industrial corporations operations there in hopes of liberalizing them..

If what you assert is true then why is the Biden regime currently at war with Russia?

Your “finance capitalism” shouldn’t have a problem with Russia accruing more monopoly power in Eastern Europe…

Matt Franko said...

US GDP per capita still 4x China and will grow as this former soft power initiative is now being cancelled and the associated overseas industrial activities are abandoned …,divided%20by%20its%20total%20population.

Industry is copacetic with it as the pandemic has revealed these overseas industrial suppliers to be unreliable…

What remains to be seen is if China and Russia can keep it going without the continuous western motivation and prodding that was part of the former soft power initiatives…

Konrad said...

“You (Marx bias) are mischaracterizing the last Cold War soft power initiative to partner with elements in these commie nations to locate some industrial corporations operations there in hopes of liberalizing them.”

I don’t know what you’re talking about (could you please be more vague?) but if you imply that the West has not been affected by neoliberalism and de-industrialization, then your comment does not merit a response. If I have misunderstood you, try re-typing when sober.

“If what you assert is true then why is the Biden regime currently at war with Russia?”

The USA is engaged in a struggle for world hegemony, or more accurately, in a struggle to slow its extinction. If you do not understand this, I envy you. Ignorance is bliss.

“US GDP per capita still 4x China and will grow as this former soft power initiative is now being cancelled and the associated overseas industrial activities are abandoned.”

In the crowded field known as “Silly Franko statements,” this is the silliest yet. (Congratulations.)

First of all, GDP figures are fully politicized, and therefore are dubious, like unemployment figures.

Second, GDP is supposed to be a measure of a nation’s total output of goods and services in one year. The USA’s GDP figures include financialized (non-productive) transactions. Therefore ever-increasing credit card payments (and credit card debt) is said to be part of “rising GDP.” If you fall behind in your credit card accounts, such that your penalties and your interest rate go up, you have “boosted GDP.” Rent payments and mortgage payments are counted in “GDP.” High housing prices are part of “GDP.” Financial bubbles are part of “GDP.” And so on.

The West’s methods of measuring “GDP” are propaganda.

It is ridiculous (i.e. Franko-esque) to compare a post-industrial economy like the United States – where the objective is not to produce anything, but to import everything – with economies that actually produce goods and services.

When we compare REAL economies, as opposed to comparing FINANCIAL economies, China’s REAL economy has already surpassed the USA’s.

The FINANCIAL economy is a GDP-killing parasite on the REAL economy, and yet the USA counts the deadly parasite as part of the host's "health."

In terms of economic growth over the last 20 years, China has far outstripped the USA. Hell, Indonesia has far outstripped the USA.

Look, I get it. It’s depressing to see your own society crumble around you. But absurd and desperate distortions won’t magically dispel reality.

Matt Franko said...

“ West has not been affected by neoliberalism and de-industrialization, ”

It’s not “neoliberalism!” … that is a Marxist conspiracy theory…

US National security policy and foreign policy is not a synonym for “neoliberalism!”… is not a conspiracy theory.,,

Yes It’s been affected in terms of perhaps opportunity cost … but it (soft power) didn’t work so now the policy is being reversed…

Both US political parties mostly aligned with this.,,

Konrad said...

"Conspiracy theory" is a trite, hackneyed, and worn-out phrase. It's like filling a movie script with profanity because you are too lazy or talentless to convey ideas in an elegant and profound manner. Think of something original for once. You are like a woke liberal that reflexively calls everyone and everything "racist," and fancies himself brilliant.

Matt Franko said...

“ In terms of economic growth over the last 20 years, China has far outstripped the USA.”

Yes… that was facilitated by a US soft power policy towards China…

Matt Franko said...,a%20revised%20version%20of%20liberalism.

“Liberal institutionalism (or institutional liberalism or neoliberalism) is a theory of international relations that holds that international cooperation between states is feasible and sustainable, and that such cooperation can reduce conflict and competition. Neoliberalism is a revised version of liberalism.”

These policies are not independent of US National defense power projection … in this case soft power…

You act as if these policies are imposed just to “make money!” alone…

If that was the case then why are we now reversing them?


Largest industrial initiative ever announced by a US multinational:

Investment going back to the US rust belt…. CHIPS Act, etc..,

Matt Franko said...

US power production at ALL TIME HIGH…

“ U.S. power consumption will rise to a record high in 2022 as the economy grows, the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) said in its Short-Term Energy Outlook (STEO) on Tuesday.

EIA projected power demand will climb to 4,027 billion kilowatt-hours (kWh) in 2022, from 3,930 billion kWh in 2021, before sliding to 4,018 billion kWh in 2023.”

Where do you think electrical power generation comes from? Comes from nothing out of the thin air? Evolves from the apes by random chance?

Matt Franko said...,Energy%20Information%20Administration%20on%20Tuesday.

US record oil production….

Evolving by random chance?

Matt Franko said...

“Latest estimate: 4.1 percent -- August 08, 2023“

Latest estimate US 3Q 4.1%….

Evolving from chimpanzees? Bonobos?

Konrad said...

I don't know why you veered off into chattering about electricity, but I see that you cite a U.S. government body. Therefore your assertion (whatever it is) has to be true, since the U.S. government and the corporate media outlets never lie, distort or censor.


You remind me of clowns during the "pandemic." Whenever I asked them how we could trust any claims made by the CDC, they simply quoted more claims by the CDC, which they insisted was incapable of lying, since it is part of the U.S. government.

Gaining knowledge requires a bit of effort, but tolerating fools requires Herculean exertion.

Matt Franko said...

“Do you believe those numbers?!?!”


Konrad said...

I don't believe ANYTHING said by ANYONE in the U.S. government.

For me, EVERYTHING must be corroborated by sources outside the U.S. government and outside the corporate media outlets.

Matt Franko said...

Then you’re in a lot of trouble..,