Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Global South Repositioning — Fadhel Kaboub

Not MMT per se, but a post on recent doings in the real world by an MMT economist of rising prominence in the Global South. This post is broadly about a strategy for decolonization and leveling the playing field.

Global South Perspectives—Reflections & Analysis by Fadhel Kaboub
Global South Repositioning
Fadhel Kaboub, Associate Professor of economics at Denison University (on leave) and President of the Global Institute for Sustainable Prosperity. He currently serves as the Under-Secretary-General for Financing for Development at the Organisation of Educational Cooperation in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.He also held a number of research affiliations with the Levy Economics Institute, the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University, the Economic Research Forum (Cairo), Power Shift Africa (Nairobi), and the Center for Strategic Studies on the Maghreb (Tunis). Fadhel is Tunisian-American MMT economist. Ph.D. in Economics & Social Science Consortium, 2006, University of Missouri - Kansas City. M.A. in Economics, May 2001, University of Missouri - Kansas City. B.S. in Economics, June 1999, with Distinction


Matt Franko said...

Have to watch Egypt to see how they react to this continued belligerent actions by Yemen to shut down their canal…

Peter Pan said...

Lets see how Egypt reacts to millions of Palestinians setting up camps in the desert.