

Monday, August 2, 2010

Layoffs to gut East St. Louis police force, criminals run wild!

The Federal Gov't has abrogated its responsibility to "promote the general welfare" by forcing states into austerity. This is exactly the same as the Federal Government not securing our borders and we've seen the reaction on the part of Arizona, which is taking matters into its own hands. How much longer before states start issuing their own currencies to combat the money "tyranny" being imposed by the Feds? It will result in the fraying of the Republic!

Communities cannot be expected to live under these conditions without anarchy erupting into the streets very soon all across the land. It's already starting as we can see in St. Louis.

Read full article here.


  1. Might it not be better to simply move to something like a VAT to pay for social spending, meaning that immigrants would be much closer to paying their way when they come here? After that, why not let as many come here as they might? Surely we benefit some from the cheap labor inputs.

  2. Anarchy is hitting Greece already. If we "stay the course," this is going to be the order of the day instead of the exception.

    Can't happen here? People forget that FDR had to call out the troops to disperse the peasants with torches and pitchforks marching on Washington.

  3. Why is there no real outrage? Because most see and think that all they really do is hand out traffic tickets to raise funds for the city.

  4. Brantley,
    YES! that type of 'revenue raising' activity is WAAAY up.

    they use cameras around my area that just mail the tickets..all automated. people are really pissed.
