

Monday, August 2, 2010

Resistance against the Deficit Commission recommendations grow

This is from Washington Post opinion writer, Matt Miller:

In little-noticed remarks a few weeks ago, Bowles suggested that the long-term goal the commission should adopt for federal spending should be 21 percent of gross domestic product. This sounds like a bookkeeping matter. But Bowles' goal would end progressive ambition, ratify America's declining competitiveness and bury the American dream.

Why? For starters, federal spending under Ronald Reagan averaged 22 percent of GDP. Under Bowles's view, therefore, the outer limits of the Democratic Party's 21st-century aspirations would be to run government at a size smaller than did a 20th-century conservative icon.

The Deficit Commission is a sham. It is opaque and being run by a group of demogogues who want to dismantle social supports and much of the public sector for the private gain of a few. They should be opposed aggressively.

Read full article here.


  1. Making America competitive is code for turning US workers (middle class) into Chinese workers, so that they are perfectly fungible as a labor cost. I don't think that US workers are going to take that lying down.

  2. Republican't Deficit terrorist Austereity Austrians want to cut spending in the Vienna fashion but don't like the tax accounting precision that comes with it along with the German Swiss and Austrian social programming.

    The few democrats that still can raise a hand for deficit spending are clueless to the requirement that lowering taxes with the stimulus is needed.

    The libertarian immigration-nazis take the worse of both sides and continually recamp on their "predictions" constantly changing flip flopping.

    If you have a Tea Party usually you have to boot the Austrian walz but these guys are instead rolling out a red carpet for the Austrian austerity.

    The Austrian technique requires precision tax collection like that found in Germany Austria and Switzerland.

    Are these republican'ts really up for that ?

    Or is their inflation mongering austerity really a ruse to stop-gap their presidential loss and try to make a problem for which to blame Obama in retro spin ?

  3. Tom,

    Unions are a shadow of what they were. Real earnings remain lower than they were in 1968. Tom...c'mon, it's already happened!
