

Saturday, April 16, 2011

MMT Links

Here is my list of links for getting started in MMT:

• MMT Bloggers:

Marshal Auerback at New Deal 2.0

Peter Cooper at Heteconomics

Joe Firestone at All Life Is Problem Solving

Scott Fulwiller at Economic Perspectives

Bill Mitchell at Billy Blog

selise at NetRootsMass

Warren Mosler at The Center of the Universe

L. Randall Wray at Economic Perspectives

• Working Papers

There are a number of working papers by these and others writing in the field that are available (free) at:

• Other resources:

Frank Ashe:

Mathew Forstater:

Scott Fullwiler:

John T. Harvey:

Bill Mitchell:

Warren Mosler:

Cullen Roche:

Neil Wilson:


L. Randall Wray:

• Conference (with audio and video):

• Macroeconomic Balance Sheet Visualizer

A Macroeconomic Balance Sheet Visualizer is available at Thought Offerings for those who would like to play with the numbers to see how basic MMT principles work.

• Not MMT, but contributory to it:

Irving Fisher:

Wynne Godley/Marc Lavoie:

Monetary Economics Palgrave Macmillan (2007)

Abba Lerner:

Hyman Minsky:



  1. Hope WWS sees this!

  2. Great list, Tom. Don't forget that MMT posts frequently appear at, where lambertstrether, hipparchia and I all blog MMT. Also, there's an MMT page, and also an MMT blogroll, as well as lots of MMT discussion.


    Stephanie Kelton and Pavlina at UMKC


    Dennis Kelleher at

    Also, how about Cullen Roche at: Pragmatic Capitalism?

    Also, SMART Taxes is blogging more and more on MMT:

  3. Thanks for the additions to the list, Joe. My list is meant to be a "starter" list. I didn't include many other valuable resources that are available, since I wanted to hone the list for newbies to MMT. These are the things that I think that people just coming to MMT should look at first in order to get the lay of the land.

    Down the line perhaps there should be some thinking about organizing an introductory curriculum with a prioritized list of readings. I just put things up alphabetically in this list.

    There is a something for both non-economists and economists, and a middle that is accessible to most people with some background in economics and finance.

    I did not include Pragmatic Capitalism and Trader's Crucible, for instance, since they are more market oriented, although I did list Cullen's excellent intro to MMT at Pragmatic Capitalism.

    I did not include things that push particular policy options either, since I don't want to give the impression that MMT takes a politically oriented policy stance. The list emphasizes the descriptive over the prescriptive or normative.

  4. Tom, I don't know how it fits in to what you are building, but my blog (the original, not the Forbes one) was designed to explain the economy from an Post Keynesian perspective to my online gaming friends. It's NOT just MMT, as the latter is part of broader Post Keynesian thought, so it may not be appropriate. But, here is a summary:


    This starts with the following post:

    However, it is in total a series of 13 posts/mini lectures, all of which are listed in reverse order (because that's what blogs do!). So, when I had written them all I collected them in a single document, found here:

    There's a lot more, but I suspect that the above is more relevant. It's part and parcel of my constant complaint that the underlying instability of the macroeconomy needs to be a core part of the discussion.

    Again, this stuff may not fit, but I thought I'd make you aware of it.


  5. Thanks for the heads up, John. I added your "Inflation: What Really Causes It and What We Truly Have to Fear" to the list above.

    I'm in the process of assembling other lists to add to the MMT wiki that is under development. Your work will get plenty of exposure there.

  6. Tom,

    A helpful list, thanks. For your expanded list, you might consider giving my macroeconomic balance sheet visualizer another look as a potential addition. I've taken away the 'draft' label, improved the text from the initial draft, and added a basic step-by-step walk through.

    A handful of people have told me they found it very helpful while learning MMT, though I understand it's more technical than works for some.
