

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

"Fringe" reality vs Credentialism, for Credentialisms sake

Here’s something that’s not a bad expose, cobbled together from existing parts, no matter how fringe. (Kudos to FistFullProductions)


Of course, I too have no basis for aligning existing feedback from our co-citizens. Yet it has to be done, whether some will or won’t accept illustrating snowmobiles using diagrams from existing used parts.

Apparently, some think you need credentials to be allowed to do that - and that the world should always wait for credentials to appear before thinking or acting.


  1. The state of modern economic thought is a prima facie case against credentialism.

  2. FB is just a hack. Not at all worth reading, IMO.

  3. FB has done a LOT of very useful work. That's exactly why it's so painful to watch him stub his toe & selfimplode over this one issue alone.

    Some, otherwise intelligent people err in seeing the institution of credentialism as a statistical process, missing that a team's success rate may be only as strong as it's least reliable credential. When it comes to an endless adaptive race, the next unreliable credential is always the one that makes an old institution obsolete.
    [e.g., ]

    Don't be too tough on him. Obsolescence will certainly happen to all of us. That's what happens in evolution.
